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Immunity Boosting Time

Boost your immunity this winter!

It’s that time of year already when cold and flu viruses are getting shared around and clients are cancelling left right and centre as the bugs take hold. Time to take a look at your immune system and form a plan of attack.

So the immune system is the organs and processes of the body that give us protection from toxins and infections aka cold and flu.

What I see all too often with my clients heading into winter is that they kind of let themselves and their health go. People that normally would love their green smoothies and regular exercise suddenly disappear off the radar and are opting for French toast and sleep-ins instead! But sooner or later they see their health and immunity slowly decline.

In winter we should make even more of an effort to stay healthy as this is when all the nasty bugs are flying around. Here are some of my top tips for boosting your immune system and staying healthy through the winter months:

  • Keep your fluids up: yes you may not feel quite as thirsty through the winter months but we still need the same hydration. Central heated offices and homes are just as, if not more dehydrating as the hotter months. Aim for 2-3 litres of clean fresh water per day (this can include herbal or decaffeinated beverages) to keep the toxins being flushed out of the system.

  • Increase your fruit & veggies: I always recommend that there are least 1-2 cups of non-starchy veggies at each meal and this includes breakfast. Aim to keep fruit intake to 1-2 pieces per day so as not to increase sugar intake too much – fruit is a fantastic source of vitamins, minerals and fibres that will keep us feeling vibrant. Not to mention seasonal winter fruits like kiwis and mandarins taste damn delicious! If you already reach this quota daily then why not try to increase your intake by another cup of veggies per day to really boost that immune system. The more variety of vegetables and colour the better!

  • Keep up your exercise regime: It is all too tempting to stay in bed an hour longer or retreat to the couch rather than to get up and go do that workout which involves getting out in the cold. Exercise is great to keep the blood flowing and energy levels up which in turn keep the immune system nice and strong. Even a 20-30 minute walk is all you need to get that body moving. It’s so easy to say we don’t have time but if we spent 20 minutes less watching TV or scrolling social media then we’d definitely have the time – not to mention you will feel a damn sight better for getting your body moving! (Keep an eye out for a future blog post detailing the benefits of keeping up exercise through winter.)

  • Get adequate sleep: Too much sleep is just as bad as not enough sleep. Our individual requirements are all slightly different but you want to shoot for 7-8 hours of sleep per night to have you functioning at your best. If you have a tendency to oversleep then set your alarm even if it is the weekend – I guarantee you will feel better for it and you’ll be far more productive with your day. Sleep is the time when your body gets to repair and recover from all its hard work of the day so it’s vital to your health. The hours between 10pm-2am are the most important hours and when your body does most of its repair work.

  • Relaxation: Be sure to pencil in some form of relaxation for yourself most days of the week. This could be as little as 10 minutes of guided meditation or stretching. We are so busy these days and many of us have high cortisol levels as a result so relaxation techniques are a must to let the body know that all is ok and it’s not under attack. If the body is constantly under stress then it’s not going to have the energy to sustain a healthy immune system. One of my favourite things to do is to lie on my back with my legs up the wall for 5-10 minutes- fantastic for calming the nervous system and unwinding after a busy day.

Get some fresh air: Yes it may be colder through the winter months but nothing beats the feeling of getting outdoors for some fresh air. Just make sure you wrap yourself up warm and head out for a nice walk and take some deep breathes of the good stuff. Such a great way to feel rejuvenated-the couch or office will still be there when you get back!

  • Wash your hands regularly: Regularly wash your hands and especially after being in a communal space (like a gym, office or bathroom) to prevent the spread of germs. Make sure to wipe down door handles, keypads, phones or computer mouses regularly too. Carrying a little bottle of hand sanitiser is always a good option for when you are out and about-something I am never without!

  • Immune boosting foods: Try including or increasing your intake of the following foods which are all fantastic for giving that immune system an extra boost and many of which have anti-bacterial properties: garlic, ginger, turmeric, honey, lemon, chilli and bone broth.

  • Supplements: I always recommend getting most of our nutritional requirements through real food sources but there are times when an extra supplement is required. My top supplements during the winter months would be Vitamin C, Zinc and Glutamine powder. I could go into more details with these but I think that is best left for another blog post but if you have any questions in the meantime feel free to get in touch.

Stay home and rest: If you do get struck down by one of the nasties then the best thing you can do to help your body and to speed up your recovery is to stay home, rest and follow the above tips to get you back and fighting fit. Not to mention this helps prevent the further spread of germs with friends, family and colleagues.

Yours in health and happiness

Scottie x Mobile: 0421 082 403

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