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The first step is always the hardest....

Are you resisting the start of your fitness journey?? Is fear, intimidation and self loathing holding you back?? Read more to quash those worries and breakdown those barriers to get you started sooner....

I see and hear the same reasoning over and over again that people have for putting off the start of their fitness journey. I get it – there are so many overwhelming factors to take into account. BUT this is all about your perspective – change the way you look at things and the things you look at will change.

Below I am addressing the many concerns and worries people have about starting out and I am also providing a different perspective on these with a slightly more rational view point.

I’m not fit enough to start training: Everybody has to start somewhere. This is where working with a professional, like me, comes into play. I would assess your capabilities and fitness level then start slow, work with where you are at at your own pace and progress from there. There are a million and one things we can do to get you started and there is something for every age, sex and fitness level. My clients range in age from early 20s to in their 70s, some with major injuries, a couple that are pregnant, or others that have simply never stepped foot inside a gym before. It’s all about the know how!

Doesn’t matter how slow you go – you’re still lapping everybody on the couch!

I need to lose a bit of weight before I start going to the gym: I think a lot of people are under the impression that you have to be super fit to be attending a gym or training with a personal trainer. This is so not the case! Once you actually get in there you will see that there are people of all ages and of all shapes and sizes. Yeah you might get the bodybuilding heroes and super buff chicks but overall there is a real pick n mix.

You might feel you need to lose a bit of weight to feel better about yourself in there but on the other hand the sooner you get in there and get stuck into action then the sooner the weight will come off you’ll be well on your way to looking and feeling better a million times better.

You don’t have to be great to start but you have to start to be great!

I don’t have any of the right gear: At the end of the day, if you look good at the end of a workout then you aren’t working hard enough. You don’t need any special equipment or clothing to get started. A pair of runners and some loose-fitting comfortable clothing is all that is required. These don’t need to be flash either – you can use an old singlet and shorts you already have or pick up a cheapie set from the likes of Target or Kmart if you are really concerned. I have clients that rock up in their old paint splattered clothes – I don’t care as long as they smell clean ;) Bring a bottle of water and a hand towel and you are good to go!

Don’t overcomplicate it!

All the machines look scary and I don’t know how to use any of them: That’s what I’m here for! Take that added stress or pressure away knowing that none of that matters when you are with me-I am here to demonstrate, talk you through everything step by step and guide you along the way. I like to create an open, welcoming and non-intimidating environment for my clients to train in. Think about it like training with your best friend – there is always time to have a giggle and fun along the way! You can never ask too many questions and no question is ever ‘dumb’. If you aren’t sure then ask :)

If you are getting started in a gym on your own for the first time then most gyms will give you a free induction which will take you round each piece of equipment and show you how to use it. This is actually a health and safety requirement so be reassured you are in good hands and there will always be staff around to help should you need it.

Everybody will stare at me and I’ll look like such an idiot: I can almost guarantee that every other person in the gym is busy thinking the same thing! OR they are too busy focusing on what they are doing or checking themselves out in the mirror to even notice you. Even if they are watching you, they could just be trying to see how to do something! Don’t assume the worst just because somebody is watching.

The best thing to do is to go in there with a plan and focus on the plan and what you are doing each step of the way. After a couple of sessions you won’t think twice about anybody else!

Your only competition is in the mirror!

There are too many mirrors: Yes unfortunately there are several mirrors in a gym and I can’t wave a magic wand and make them disappear for you! BUT the mirrors aren’t there so you can check yourself out, criticise yourself and feel bad about yourself. They are there so you can see your form, perform the exercises properly, avoid injury and make improvements. Again after a couple of sessions this won’t be an issue – don’t worry about what you look like but focus on the movement and exercise that you are doing. This is a wonderful way to practise mindfulness, which is being fully present in any given moment and focusing on the task at hand. This is something that we are ALL very guilty of in today’s fast paced world!

Think of it like an active mindful meditation!

I don’t feel good enough about myself: And at what point are you going to feel good about yourself? Will you ever truly be ready? What does ready even look like? Stop delaying the inevitable! Take back control and take action by making that first step. The sooner you take that first step then the sooner you will feel better about yourself.

The first step is always the hardest. This could be as simple as picking up the phone and giving me a call or sending an email! Don’t over think it-just do it and trust that the person on the other end will take the lead and guide you through the process. You don’t need to have all the answers; you just need to have the will to want to start.

Yesterday you said tomorrow!

I’m scared to see the number on the scale or have my measurements taken: This is the same with 90% of my clients which is why I choose not to take measurements or their weight until they have been in for 2-3 sessions with me. Even then I don’t always necessarily show them the results either. Do you really even need to know that number? How about you just focus on sticking to your diet and exercise plan and how you feel in your clothes?! These really are the best indicators. The measurements and scales are merely a gage and I always reiterate to clients not to get too hung up on the numbers. Quite often there can be some major positive body composition changes, they look leaner, clothes are looser but the number on the scale has actually gone up! This is because muscle weighs more than fat. This is where you need to trust me and my advice, knowing that I have your best interests at heart and with over 14 years experience that I’ll do everything possible to get you the results you want!

Trust the process!

I can’t afford a personal trainer: There really is something for everybody and every budget at Bayside Bodyworx. Perhaps you just want to do one personal training session and have a programme written for you, or perhaps you want to book in for regular weekly time slots for the next 6 months to get ready for that special event, or maybe you just want some dietary advice, or why don’t you find a fitness buddy and split the cost of your PT sessions or why don’t you join one of my small outdoor group sessions. The options are endless. Enquire today and you can be on your way.

I hope this addresses some of your fears and that you can see that it’s really not all that scary. If there are any other questions that I haven’t covered then please feel free to shoot me an email and get in touch. I am more than happy to help.

Remember the first step is the biggest hurdle and it gets easier from there.

Focus on progress not perfection.

Let’s work WITH your body not AGAINST it.

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