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Reason & Benefits to Train in Winter

It’s that time of year when days are getting shorter & darker, it’s colder and it feels so much easier to seek refuge in the warmth of the doona or chilled out on the couch rather than getting to the gym and working up a sweat!

During the winter months when there are less hours of sunlight, our levels of Vitamin D can really drop and in some cases some people really suffer from SAD or Season Affective Disorder. Having lived in Scotland until the age of 22 I am all too aware of how SAD can affect you.

When our Vitamin D levels drop it slows down the production of serotonin which is our ‘feel good’ neurotransmitter. Serotonin production increases with exposure to bright light and decreases with reduced sun exposure. So I am sure you can see what I am getting at by now....

Less sunlight in winter = less vitamin D being produced = less serotonin being produced = winter blues.

But the good news is there are lots we can do about it....

There are some other awesome little chemicals our body produce which you may have heard of called ENDORPHINS!!! And here comes the good bit-they get released during and after exercise!!

Endorphins are what give you that euphoric feeling after exercise and make you feel more positive and have more of an energised outlook on life. And let’s face it – who doesn’t want that?!

EXERCISE along with a nutrient dense diet is also a powerful immunity booster and can help to reduce the risk of colds and flu’s. Even a short burst of exercise most days is enough to keep your defence system strong.

COMFORT FOOD! During the colder months there is nothing more satisfying and delicious than some hearty slowed cooked meats and stews, hot chocolate and other comfort foods. So of course the energy density of these foods will be higher and if you accompany this with a reduced workout schedule or zero exercise schedule then the winter padding is sure to be gained! Offset this by beginning, maintaining or increasing your exercise schedule so that when summer comes round the thought of donning a bikini or a speedo doesn’t send you running for the hills! The old saying goes – summer bodies are made in winter!

AN ACTIVE LIFESTYLE is the key to a longer and healthier life. We aren’t meant to be sedentary creatures – we already spend too much time behind desks or in front of the television. The same goes for sleep – too much sleep is just as bad as too little sleep. The body is happiest when it is kept moving so try to incorporate some exercise into everyday. Even if it’s only a 20 minute walk during your lunch break or after work, or some bodyweight exercises at home like push-ups, sit-ups, lunges and squats will also do the trick. Just move more!

NO EXCUSES!!! There are a million and one excuses why you can’t get to the gym or do some form of movement. Most of these excuses come with a negative attachment which breeds more negativity in your life. Couple that with the winter blues and well, you get the idea. Chose to live a positive life with a positive outlook, think about all the positive reasons to doing your workout rather than the negatives. At the end of the day we all want to be happy and healthy and that begins with a positive mindset :)

Be the inspiration! Just because your friends and family aren’t getting to the gym or keeping active doesn’t mean that you don’t have to. Why don’t you encourage a friend to join you for a walk on the beach or to go to a group fitness class together?? If you make the commitment to train with somebody else it makes it harder for you to drop out as you will also be letting the other person down.

PERSONAL TRAINING! Winter is the perfect opportunity to really hit some fitness goals. People tend to do less through winter which gives you more time to exercise and get super fit so you’re rocking a super hot bod for summer! Enlist the help of a personal trainer you like and are comfortable with and then set some goals to work towards. It’s good to have measurable results set to a timeframe to keep you on board and motivated. And this is also twofold – by committing to a paid session time with a personal trainer you are much less likely to cancel!

My final word of advice is to exercise is the morning before you brain or body has figured out what you are doing!! Get your stuff ready the night before so it is all laid out ready to go, then when the alarm bells sounds(I suggest setting multiple alarms at 2 minute intervals)you can jump out of bed straight into your workout clothes and be on your way to a brighter, more positive and happy day ahead!!! Side benefit is that when you finish work for the day you can head straight home to that couch ;)

Happy training! Mobile: 0421 082 403

Bayside Bodyworx is currently running a special winter offer for the months of June-August. See details below:

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